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Genomics Platform


Peer Learning

Peer Learning is an ongoing training initiative by CPR/reNEW Genomics Platform with an aim to create a learning community within the research centers that are supported by the Genomics Platform: NNF reNEW, NNF CPR, ICMM and CGEN.

In this program participants engage in online courses and tutorials to boost their data analysis literacy and bioinformatics skills with focus on genomic data analysis. It serves as a platform for researchers to network by learning together.

shared notes for Peer Learning.

Available learning groups in 2024

Peer Learning Group for scRNAseq (bring your own data)

This Peer Learning Group is meant for researchers interested in single cell sequencing experiments and provides a collaborative space to network and learn something new about scRNAseq while working on your own data.

February 7th 11:00-13:00 (feel free to bring your lunch to the meeting)
Meeting room 7.15.107a (Maersk tower faculty lounge)

What to Expect:
There are plenty of scRNAseq analysis tutorials available for scRNA analysis software, but not enough guidelines on how to interpret the results when working with real world data. The Peer Learning Group will focus on participants discussing and analyzing their single cell sequencing datasets in a way that is compatible with the busy life in the lab: Adrija will work as a facilitator to help people discuss their data as they analyse them. There will be no homework, but instead we will take longer chunks of time (2 hours every 2-3 weeks) to advance through the various scRNAseq tutorials and look at user cases.

People with experience in scRNA seq data analysis are more than welcome to join the Peer Learning Group and to provide feedback and learn something new themselves.

We hope that you will use this opportunity to learn, advance your project, connect with peers and contribute to creating an active and involved research culture.

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